Hear What Our Grads Have To Say About THRIVE!

Each year, we have the honor of working with a individuals with a burning desire to change the direction of their lives. And each year, we’re grateful to collect their inspiring stories and receive their praise. You’ll find (just a few) of our favorites below.

“Extraordinary program! You presented the material in a way that actually landed, and really seems to be the area that I really needed clarity on. And it’s already working. I realize I have been bouncing between so many different things to avoid truly sitting down and getting clear on what really makes me happy… Definitely seems a lot clearer… and like I found a rather large puzzle piece. Excellent presentation, examples, and videos. As well as the music. And I really want to thank you for putting on such a great event. Truly first rate and a bargain. Of course doing the work and having the miracles happen IS rather priceless…”

-Chip Slicer

“In 2 1/2 years, I hit my million dollar revenue goal from doing your work almost daily!!!”

-Marni Battista

“In the 18 months after attending, I have received two raises: one at 3%; and one at 6%. I also was able to move from a one-bedroom apartment to a three-bedroom condo.”

-Jason S.

“The Designed Future program wasn’t just about money to me. It helped me become a happier person and more at peace with myself, which in turn, has led me to greater things and a better outlook on life! Thanks for offering this course and I’m looking forward to attending more in the future!”

-Terri Dearth

“I can’t thank you enough. My life is 360 degrees different than it was. I am now in a job I love with great prospects for future advancement. I am excited by life and grateful daily.”

–Jennifer M.

“Shortly after participating in the program, my company went out of business. Because of the transformational work we did at the program, and working with A Course in Prosperity for the following 40 days, I was able to turn this would-be tragedy into a miraculous change for the better. I launched a new business and am immeasurably happier. While so far I’ve been earning about the same amount of money on a month-to-month ratio, my earning potential for the coming year and thereafter is far greater. My surroundings are now joyous on a daily basis. I love what I’m doing and everyone I now work with. I wouldn’t go back to the old company for anything.”


“This course is a gift straight from Heaven!!!”

-Charla Pinkston Times

“Last November, I created a very big goal for myself at the program. Tonight I’m basking in love and gratitude for this program and all the beautiful things showing up in my life!”

-Krista Pouzar

“I can honestly say this was a life changing experience for me. I have had awesome breakthroughs in my career as well as my personal relationships directly due to my participation in this course. It’s a journey well worth taking and has opened up a world of possibilities around my finances that I never knew existed. I honestly can not truly express just how highly I recommend that you attend the program!”

-Walton Spurlin

“When I took the program, I already loved my job but just wished that it paid more. Over the last year we have been repositioning ourselves in a completely new direction. (My boss attended the program with me). We are now well on our way to start seeing financial benefits from the lessons we learned at the program very soon. Overall, the biggest changes have come in the small day-to-day tasks. They are enjoyable! The work atmosphere, though nice before, is buzzing with our creative potential now. Clients we struggled with have dropped away and now we are only working with lovely people. Our lives reflect the training we received at boot camp. Indispensable. We are both so grateful for the program!”

-Sam S.

“I attended the program to improve my outlook on life in general. To become a more positive person. I am fortunate to be financially set but wanted help in family relations and seeing my family and friends happy. With attending the program and having my positive thoughts, I feel my life has become happier and the ones around me have become happier. It’s easier for me to cope with the ones that I didn’t get along with prior to attending the camp.”

-David A.

“The course was invigorating and exciting. I’m walking away with tools I can use. I came wondering what I could learn that I don’t already know. I learned more in one day than I ever thought possible. It was really well presented, and I’m so glad I came.  I would recommend this to anybody.“

-Lydia Burnett

“An unexpected move cross-country to a state where I knew two people (one being my retired/breast cancer patient mother) has slowed my progress in some of the areas in mylife. That being said, I had a plan when I moved out here and have been able to revise that plan accordingly. That is pretty empowering to be able to adjust in the moment rather than getting stuck in circumstances — even when circumstances keep shifting. I highly recommend this program.”

-Mara L.

“lt really was amazing and an incredible journey for myself since I started this course. You can really honesty ask for anything – and you get it. I know I can have whatever I want, and I’ve developed that into an incredible career. It is an incredible sense of accomplishment.”

-Colin McGee

“My job has changed night and day. It’s the same job, however I have a totally different perspective. What you were in the past might not be what you want to be in the future. In my personal relationships, in my career- I’ve soared.”

–Tim Parris

“This workshop is an amazing program and a necessity for anyone struggling in their personal finances or personal relationships!”

–Peggy Richardson

“I received 2 job promotions within 12 months of attending program. I’m now going back to school to finish my degree. I’d recommend this workshop to anyone! Thank you!”

–Karen B.

“The biggest thing that I learned from the program is that anything is possible if you put your mind to it and you get the action plan to make that happen. You will have a life changing experience!! I didn’t want to go to this course but decided at the last minute to go and it truly changed my life. I’m so at peace with my inner self, and my family. I have a job now, and my life has changed for the better.”

-Terri Salzman

“An unbelievable life experience! There isn’t anyone who wouldn’t benefit from this course. Really, really great experience!”

-Mike S.

“This program will change your life in so many unexpected ways. I’m earning more money, my relationships are better than ever before, and I’ve found a career that is my life’s purpose. Thank you for such a remarkable gift!”

-Pam Richardson

“After the program, I launched a new business and am immeasurably happier. My earning potential for the coming year and thereafter is far greater. My surroundings are now joyous on a daily basis. I love what I’m doing and everyone I now work with. I wouldn’t go back to my old way of life for anything.”

–Laurie S.

“The course details how to easily create financial breakthroughs and an amazing life. I highly recommend that everyone take this course. Before I started the course work, financial freedom was only a far, far away dream, hope, and desire. But forever is Now! My financial struggles are essentially over. The beautiful thing about the program is that having a life like this is available to us all.”

-Freda Young

“The program was the greatest gift I’ve ever given myself. I cannot recommend it enough! Huge financial breakthroughs I never thought were possible, easily and effortlessly. Thank you for the amazing gift. I will definitely share this with the people in my life!”

-Jody Harker