Our Sincere Appreciation To Our Generous Corporate Sponsors!

Thank you to WMGB for their recent generous donation of new replacement windows for our building!!

Without the support of generous corporate donors, we would not exist. Thank you to the following organizations and companies who have graciously donated to support our efforts:

  • The Donald and Lisa Boeding Fund (financial donor)

  • WMGB (donation of 17 new replacement windows for our building)

  • Meijer (financial donor)

  • Walmart Giving Foundation

  • Dibble Trucking and Dibble Enterprise (financial donor)

  • AARP

west-michigan-glass-block-home-improvement-logo-410pxmeijer walmart-foundation

Become A Corporate Sponsor

As a non-profit provider that provides hope and a pathway to relief for those who have fallen on difficult times and struggle with difficult or extreme life circumstances, we enjoy a reputation as a trusted service organization and a strong partner in the communities we serve.

We offer ample opportunity for recognition and participation to investors who help further our mission. We provide numerous ways for our corporate sponsors to become involved at the ground level in helping individuals and families achieve financial stability.

Opportunities Include:

  • Inclusion in targeted advertising – radio, online, etc.
  • On-site signage and product sampling opportunities
  • Employee engagement and skill building through volunteerism
  • Our services provided to your employees and customers

Top Reasons Why Corporations Sponsor Us:

  • Heighten brand or product visibility
  • Create goodwill and shape customer attitudes
  • Target a niche market
  • Demonstrate commitment to local communities
  • Showcase product attributes and differentiate products from competitors

Diamond Sponsor: $7,500

  • Naming rights for program series and inclusion of logo on all marketing materials
  • ½ page ad in ad calendar and display advertising at program location
  • 4’ X 8’ two-color banner posted at event
  • Featured in newspaper press releases announcing program series
  • Logo featured on website homepage for twelve months; logo inclusion on newsletters for three months.
  • Mention of sponsorship in one blog post, two postings on Facebook and four postings on Twitter.
  • Opportunity to present product and/or business services at event

Gold Sponsor: $5,000

  • 1/4 page ad in ad calendar and display advertising at event
  • 4’ X 5’ two-color banner posted at event
  • Featured in newspaper press releases announcing program series
  • Inclusion of logo on all program participant materials
  • Logo featured on website for six months; logo inclusion in newsletter for two months
  • Mention of sponsorship in one posting on Facebook and two postings on Twitter.

Silver Sponsor: $2,500

  • 1/4 page ad in ad calendar and display advertising at event
  • Logo featured on website for three months; logo inclusion on newsletter for one month.
  • Mention of sponsorship in one posting on Facebook and two postings on Twitter.

Bronze Sponsor: $500

  • Logo featured on website for three months and in newsletter for one month.

For more information about sponsorship opportunities, contact Julie Dankovich at (616) 202-6447 or via e-mail.